Saturday, January 30, 2010

SBA Loans...

If you don't already know this then it's important to understand that all banks are NOT created equal. Many of them "offer" SBA loans but they don't all do them often or efficiently. If you're interested in seeing the lenders in your area that close the most SBA loans this is a great resource:

You can search by state.

Also, feel free to inquire about our SBA loans that we can give you access to. If you're likely to qualify we'll show you how. We actually can help you get an SBA loan that does not require collateral or financials.

At Hawkeye Management we specialize in unsecured business lines of credit and unsecured business loans. Come check us out at and see more about what we do and who we are.

Tom Gazaway
Hawkeye Management
888-783-1503 toll free

Friday, January 29, 2010

Do you know your O-P-T-I-O-N-S?

Are you a small business owner? Are you looking for access to capital to either start, build, or grow your company? Well, welcome to the club. In this economy it's tough. Chances are you're good at what you do. If you're a plumber you're probably good at it. If you're a lawyer you're probably good at whatever area of law you specialize in. I guess what I'm saying is that it can be hard to understand what different lending options exist for small businesses and then it can also be a challenge to actually understand which of those options you could actually qualify for.

It's obvious that a Fortune 500 company is going to have options that you as a small business owner don't have at your disposal. But it's also true that the IT company owner with 750 FICO's, $500k in the bank, and $5 million in annual sales has some great lending options that don't exist for a home-based real estate investor. The real estate guy might have better FICO's and more money in the bank but his list of lending options is still going to be very different - and probably not quite as good in many ways.

We understand what the small business lending options are and we specialize in unsecured business loans and unsecured business lines of credit that do not require collateral or financials. Don't fall for taking the advise of writers or academics when you can deal with someone who works with real life solutions for small business owners everyday. All of our solutions are A-Paper products so you either get the good terms on your capital or nothing at all.

Come check us out at and see who we are and what we do.

Tom Gazaway CCEW, CMPS, XCO
888-783-1503 toll free

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Recent Story...

I had a client call earlier this week and he was in his 13th month of using some of his business lines of credit that we established for him so all of the 0% offers had ended. He wanted to know and understand his rates since the intro offers were now over for those lenders. We calculated on all 5 of his lines he had that the total balances were approx. $74,000. His average APR on all the lines was 7.49% and his APR was 7.12%. As you can see from his situation these products we offer come with good terms. His monthly payments were the same after his 0% offers ended as they were his monthly budget is basically unchanged. Of course, a little less of his payments now go toward principal but that's to be expected.

Remember, that won't necessarily be everyone's story. This particular individual did a great job of managing what he had - he never had any late payments, never went over credit limits, etc. However, since we only assist people with A-Paper solutions you'll find that what we do is not only an answer to your needs for assessing some cash but the terms are excellent and it's the best way to create the best possible cash flow solutions for your monthly budget and you'll find that your interest expenses will be as minimal as possible.

At Hawkeye Management we specialize in unsecured business lines of credit and unsecured business loans. Come check us out at and see what we do. We offer a free, no obligation pre-qual that is brief and will give you the answers to all the questions you have.

Tom Gazaway
Hawkeye Management
888-783-1503 toll free

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Two Ways to Get Money for Your Business

By Tom Gazaway

There are scores of different ways to raise money for your business. That doesn't mean it's easy, but there are many ways to get it done. When you boil it all down, though, the solutions ALL fall into one of two categories: debt or equity.

You can either get a loan or line of credit which is a debt solution, or you can give up equity to venture-capital funds, angel investors, or maybe your rich Uncle Fred.

If you don't know what your options are, then it's hard to be confident in the decisions you make. At Hawkeye Management, we specialize in unsecured business lines of credit and unsecured business loans.

Come check us out and you'll see some of the solutions we offer. Bottom line: We know the options and can answer your questions. We'll help you determine the right choice for your situation and get needed cash to your business -- fast.

Photo via Flickr user borman818

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Trouble With Credit Inquiries

By Tom Gazaway

If you're looking for capital for your business, then one of the most popular lending solutions is an unsecured business line of credit.

Normally, getting a line of credit attached to your business that does not require collateral is not an easy task. You're talking about one of the toughest products to obtain because it is, quite honestly, a higher risk to the bank or lending institution.

As a result, many banks do not offer these unsecured business lines of credit -- or they make it so difficult to obtain that they might as well not offer them (can anyone say Wells Fargo?).

What does this have to do with credit inquiries? Well, IF you have the excellent credit and IF you know which banks actually offer the product, and IF you know that your business and individual credit profile are a good match for them... then the number one reason business owners with good credit are denied for an unsecured business line of credit is: (drum-roll here)..."too many recent inquiries." This is a VERY common problem.

(By the way, a 700 FICO score puts you in the lower 50% of the population, so don't make the mistake of thinking you have better credit than you really do.)

At Hawkeye Management, we know how to solve these issues to get you the funding you need for your business. Startups are fine, too.

Hawkeye specializes in unsecured business lines of credit and unsecured business loans. So come check us out and let us show you how we can help. We offer a FREE, no obligation consultation to anyone interested, if you'll complete our very brief pre-qualification process.

Photo via Flickr user takomabibelot

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Unsecured Business Loans

Hey everyone...
We just recently rolled out a new unsecured business loan program so now we have that in addition to our unsecured business line of credit programs. It gives you access to 9 different lenders that offer different kinds of unsecured loans for you. The FICO scoring requirements are lower and more flexible than the line of credit scoring requirements so it's also a great program for people that want to or need to consoldate credit card balances. We provide free removal of your inquiries with Transunion and Equifax with this package as well. In case you don't know, the #1 reason why people with high FICO scores (750 and up) are denied for unsecured business lines of credit is for having "too many recent inquiries". There's also a bonus included in the loan package that you'll have to ask about.

Come check us out at and see what we do.

Tom Gazaway CCEW, CMPS, XCO
Hawkeye Management
888-783-1503 toll free

Friday, January 15, 2010

Business Loans & Lines...

Would you like to have an unsecured business line of credit or an unsecured business loan? How 'bout if you could do that without needing full financial documentation so the process is quicker and easier? And would you like to do that so 1 of 2 things will happen to your credit: a) your excellent credit will be preserved or b) you can improve your credit if it's not where you would like it to be?

If that sounds good then stay tuned...there's more to come with lots of info on how to do this...the RIGHT way. Check us out at and you'll see some of what we do.

Tom Gazaway CCEW, CMPS, XCO
Hawkeye Management
888-783-1503 toll free

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Welcome to my site!

My name is Tom Gazaway. I'm the managing partner of Hawkeye Management. We're located in Blackwood, New Jersey and we do business in all 50 states. We help small business owners obtain unsecured business loans and lines of credit.

We help all types of businesses including real estate investors.

Check us out at

Tom Gazaway, CCEW, CMPS, XCO
Hawkeye Management
888-783-1503 toll free